University removes asbestos from Union food court
June 3, 2013
The University is renovating the food court in the Union and its first step will be removing asbestos from beneath the floor.
These naturally occurring minerals are known to cause cancer and generally must be inhaled to be dangerous, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Asbestos was banned in 2003 and was primarily used in insulation and adhesives, such as the one used on the tiles of the food court.
However, it is not required by law for the asbestos to be removed.
Stephen Leland, the occupational safety specialist here at Sacramento State said that because the school was already replacing the floor, they decided to remove the asbestos, also.
“Our policy is not to bury asbestos,” Leland said.
All Sac State employees are required to contact facilities services before installing or changing computer lines, electrical wiring, floor tiles, insulation materials or anything with a texture-coated surface.
“Everything that’s not metal, brick or wood is a suspect material,” Leland said.
The fumes from the work in the Nest are currently being filtered and vented out of the east entrance of the Union.
Dean Sorensen, director of the University Union said the asbestos removal will be finished by the end of the week.