Pipe leaks in Parking Structure III

This pipe was the source of the flooding in Parking Structure III.
February 5, 2013
The southeast and northwest stairwells of Parking Structure III were roped off on Tuesday afternoon due to a Sacramento Fire Department training exercise that left the ground soaking wet.
Station 10 on Fruitridge Road hooked up hoses to a standpipe to “show the challenges of working parking structures,” said Director of Facility Operations Daryn Ockey. However, one of the pipes was cracked open and not closed all the way, resulting in a dripping ceiling on several floors of the parking structure.
Ockey said the fire department failed to contact him prior to the training session. He received word about the leakage around 3:30 p.m and instructed the fire department to clean up the water and make the area safe for students.
Students were encouraged to use the elevator by plumber Mike Hendren, who roped off the stairs with yellow caution tape on each tier of the five floor parking structure. The tape was removed and the area was dry by this morning.
The fire department does not have training sessions at Sacramento State very often. While he emphasized that the fire department needs to be familiar with the campus to ensure the safety of students, Ockey said he would prefer not to have exercises during one of the busiest times of the day and in one of the busiest structures.
As of Feb. 6, the Sacramento Fire Department could not be reached for comment.