Hornet Street Style: Students share fashion tips
September 11, 2012
Year and Major: Senior, deaf studies
Personal style: “Clean, vintage, twirly and girl perfection.”
Style tip for others: “Cover it up, keep it clean and ask yourself, ‘Am I comfortable?’”
Year and Major: Freshman, chemistry
Personal style: “Making girly pieces look edgy.”
Style tips for others: “Try on whatever you think looks cute and disregard what other people think.”
Name: Oksana Yasinskaya
Personal style: “Dress to match your mood.”
Style tips for others: “Dress how you feel comfortable.”
Name: Christy Graves
Year and Major: Junior, graphic design
Personal style: “Flowy, or whatever matches my mood for the day.”
Style tips for others: “If you like it, wear it – that’s what makes you own it.”
Name: David Shakhunoe
Year and Major: Senior, electronic engineering
Personal style: “Slim fit and functional.”
Style tips for others: “Buy things you can layer and wear through several seasons. Don’t worry about fitting in – Sacramento is pretty diverse. You can wear pretty much anything and fit in somewhere.”