Master the art of making frozen burritos

Janice Daniels




Prepare burritos at home with your favorite ingredients such as rice, beans, cheese, pre-cooked meat and avocados. For these burritos we used black beans, homemade rice wth potatoes, salsa and avocado slices. 



For easy folding, first morph the ingredients inside your burrito into a cylinder shape. After that is done, start by folding the tortilla at the width ends and then fold the length ends in until the ingredients are fully enclosed inside the tortilla. Make batches of burritos at time, rap them in foil and place them inside freezer-safe bags to store in the freezer for up to 6 months.

Reporting by Janice Daniels. Photos by Robert Linggi.

Janice Daniels can be reached at [email protected]