Hit the ground running: Welcome to Sac State

State Hornet

Do you ever wish you could go back in time and give your past self badly needed advice? Life would be so much better if foresight was 20/20 and not the other way around. We asked the State Hornet editing staff what they wish they had known as first time Sac State students. Us grizzled veterans have made more than our share of mistakes. Why did we take advanced physics and organic chemistry in the same semester? How is it that we spend half our paychecks on campus food? What happened at that frat party we barely remember? On second thought, maybe we don’t want to know. We hope you use this as a guide to help jumpstart your new life here at Sac State, and avoid making some of the mistakes we did.

Good luck

The State Hornet editorial staff can be reached at [email protected]