Sac State football springs into gear

Marshall Sperbeck at spring scrimmage:Sacramento State football head coach Marshall Sperbeck gave a quick speech to his team about the challenges it will face in preparation for the 2011 season after Saturday?s inaugural spring scrimmage.:Steven Turner – State Hornet

Dave Mason

The Hornets are back on the field with an open scrimmage on Saturday at 9 a.m. on the practice field. The scrimmages and practices are open to the public.

The second scrimmage will take place Saturday, April 16 at 10 a.m. at Hornet Stadium, and one week later will be the annual Spring game.

2011 Spring Schedule

Monday, April 11-Practice No. 8- 3-5:15 p.m.

Wednesday, April 13-Practice No. 9- 3-5:15 p.m.

Friday, April 15-Practice No.10 3-5:15 p.m.

Saturday, April 16-Scrimmage No. 2-10 a.m.

Monday, April 18-Practice No. 12-3-5:15 p.m.

Wednesday, April 20-Practice No. 13-3-5:15 p.m.

Thursday, April 21-Practice No. 14-3-5:15 p.m.

Saturday April 23-Spring Game-10 a.m.