Professor discusses the female orgasm

Cayla Gales

Sex, masturbation, but mostly the anatomy, physiology and psychological aspects of the orgasm were explored at a forum called “Where’s my Orgasm?” on Tuesday.

The event, which was sponsored by the Women’s Resource Center, was presented to about 30 people by Patty Woodward, a professor of the College of Health and Human Services.

“Were at a stage in life here at college where your discovering yourself your learning new things trying out new things, experimenting, so it’s important that you get the information you need to be able to explore your own sexuality and your own needs,” said senior psychology major Lindsey Brent, who is also the coordinator of the women’s resource center and helped organize the event.

Woodward eased the audience into the presentation by first showing the famous scene from the movie “When Harry met Sally” when Sally loudly fakes an orgasm in public, which had the entire room laughing.

“I think this is the easiest way to present sexuality,” Woodward said after showing the clip.

The videos that were shown were two clips featuring television personality Dr. Drew talking to an audience about the complexity of the orgasm, and then talking to college students about masturbation.

Most of the slides in the slideshow had humorous pictures next to the typed information, such as vegetables and natural formations appearing to have human anatomy. There was a cactus with an erection, and a penis shaped rock among many other things which kept the audience’s attention.

Her slides featured a wide variety of sex-related information from detailed diagrams of the female genetalia to a list of sex positions to the categories of foreplay.

However, the entire forum revolved around the orgasm.

Woodward discussed, and the audience questioned such topics as how male orgasms differ from female orgasms, how orgasms are achieved and how their quality and quantity are affected over time

After her presentation Woodward opened the floor to any sex related questions from the audience, where many shamelessly divulged details of their orgasmic experiences or personal sex lives that they had questions about.

“I learned a lot more than I thought I would about both male and female sexuality and I loved the question and answer part,” said Priya Kumar, sophomore business marketing major.

One audience member asked for suggestions about morally conscious porn. Another asked for advice about the guilt brought on by pre-marital sex, to which another audience member suggested sex therapy services offered on campus at the well.

“I came out because I’m supporting Dr. Patty Woodward. She’s our human sexuality teacher and we love the class and everything that she represents here,” said Teresa Vinciguerra, senior psychology major.

The purpose of the forum, Woodward said, is to help women be more comfortable with their sexuality. Later adding that “…hopefully, after today, more of you will have orgasms.”

Cayla Gales can be reached at [email protected]