Students participate in Election Day
November 2, 2010
Sacramento State students were busy at the polls today.
A pollworker from College Greens and Glenbrook police station said that by 2:30 p.m., she saw a few students turn out to vote, but the majority of students voted at the Villas at La Riveria polling place.
Taylor Schick, a precinct clerk at the Villas, said the majority of the people who voted were students and younger voters. By 2:30 p.m., more than 69 people had voted.
“We anticipate that the bulk of people will come between 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. tonight,” Schick said.
Students, new and experienced voters, came out to vote for specific issues.
Nicole Regalia
Junior, nutrition major
“I came out for the governor race. It will be a scary thing if Meg Whitman gains office and she will keep big businesses safe. I also came out to vote no on Proposition 19, but yes on the states park funding proposition.”
Regalia said she previously worked for the California Young Democrats and that voting is a civic duty that is still very important to her.
Maxine Stanley
Freshman, government major
“I came out for Prop 19 and 23. Being a government major, I feel like I have a political duty to vote as a student.”
Stanely said she researched the propositions and candidates online before making her tough decision.
Mike Yarshinsky
Freshman, computer science major
“I voted no on Prop 19. I am a receiver of medical cannabis and I think my rights will be violated if it is passed. This was my first time voting and it feels pretty empowering.”
Brenden Murphy
Sophomore, undeclared major
“I did not vote. I forgot to register and I feel bad that I didn’t. My mom’s angry at me too. If I could have voted I definitely would have voted no on Prop 23 and 26 and yes on 19.”
Headshots taken by Lauren Greenwood
Lauren Greenwood can be reached at [email protected]