Sac State Serves hosts sixth event this year
September 1, 2010
Sacramento State’s community service organization, Sac State Serves, coordinated its sixth community service event this year. The organization brought students to volunteer for Race for the Arts on Saturday.
Sac State Serves provides students, faculty, staff, alumni and the families of Sac State affiliated individuals the opportunity to give back to the community.
“We are creating the volunteer force for these nonprofits which are essential to our community, especially in times like now,” said Misty Sisneros-Garcia, Sac State Serves coordinator.
Race for the Arts fits the community service project qualifications for Sac State Serves.
Race for the Arts is a Sacramento organization that brings awareness and fundraising for California art programs and companies. The event featured a 5 km run/walk and four kids’ fun runs. Approximately 1,200 runners and walkers gathered at William Land Park for the twelfth Annual Race for the Arts’ 5 km Run/Walk and Children’s Fun Runs event.
Sac State students assisted with registration, volunteered at the finish line and provided runners with water.
Margaret Morneau, a Sac State alumna and owner of the Sacramento theater company Resurrection Theater, was a first-time Race for the Arts volunteer who welcomed the participants at the finish line.
Two students felt a special connection with the Race for the Arts event. Kris Garcia, English and economics major, and Richard Hoang, sociology major, said they volunteered to be proactive in the community and bring awareness to the importance of the arts.
Garcia said one reason the arts are important is because they make people feel more youthful and creative.
“The majority of classes that support the right side of the brain get cut off,” Garcia said.
Katie Lohrengel, communications major and a program student assistant, said she also enjoyed the Race for the Arts event.
“It’s a great opportunity for me to see the events going on,” Lohrengel said. “I become part of the community.”
Michelle Curtis can be reached at [email protected]