It’s all a facade in ‘The Joneses’
April 9, 2010
After seeing “The Joneses,” I found that I wanted to keep up with them by purchasing expensive material goods they were flaunting in the movie.
Demi Moore plays the character of Kate and Steve is played by David Duchovny, who are a very good looking couple who look like they have it all: two children, played by Amber Heard and Ben Hollingsworth, expensive cars, one of the biggest houses on the block and every expensive item under the sun.
The family looks perfect, but in reality, they are hired as a fake family to market these items to the people around them, almost as if they are a salesperson family.
Moore flaunts her Christian Louboutin shoes and her Yves Saint Laurent clothing, items the women in the neighborhood want to have.
If I say so myself, I wanted these items just as much as them; Moore’s character wore red-soled heels that were gorgeous.
But of course, those are items that many dream to have.
That is where the movie takes a turn for the worse, as people begin to try to keep up with them and find themselves with problems of their own.
Duchovny’s character shows off his top-of-the-line lawnmower equipped with a television to show that mowing the lawn can actually be a fun task and not a chore. Gary Cole, who plays Larry, the neighbor across the street, gets one as well, along with many of the Joneses’ other items.
Cole’s character finds himself owning a better version of his neighbors’ things: a bigger flat-screen TV, a newer version of his car and more.
The only problem is that Duchovny and the fake family hasn’t paid for these goods; they just sell and market them.
Cole’s character and the other families in the neighborhood do not know this, of course, and have to purchase the items themselves and find themselves buried in debt.
Duchovny’s character begins to see this in Cole and is affected by the hardship his neighbors are facing. This is his first time in a fake family; Moore and the children are used to just selling goods and are not necessarily affected.
This comes to show that the perfect family may not be perfect after all.
They have items that are meant to provide them with pure happiness, but every family its own slew of problems.
This movie also has a love relationship intertwined within the plot, so women will definitely like this movie. Let me just say though, seeing Moore married to and kissing someone besides Ashton Kutcher was very different.
We are so used to seeing this cougar with a man much younger than her, but in this movie, she is paired with men around her own age. It was awkward to see.
I would say it is more of a chick-flick comedy that most men would not necessarily enjoy, but there is a small amount of nudity that will get them excited.
I would recommend seeing this movie, but maybe just rent it for a night. “The Joneses” kept me entertained, but it’s a movie that you would enjoy seeing only one time.
This movie shows that living the dream life of being a Jones and owning the most expensive goods may not be the true answer to happiness.
Erin Rogers can be reached at [email protected]