Club proves math exceeds the basics
April 27, 2010
The Math Club at Sacramento State is out to prove that mathematics is more than addition and subtraction.
“Math is basically everywhere,” said Marilyn Koch, senior mathematics major and math club treasurer. “If you look you will find it.”
At one of the most recent club meetings, Koch said the math club discussed quantum cryptology, which is how math keeps personal information private on the Internet.
She said without math, personal information sent across the Internet would not have the protection it does today.
“One way to keep information safe is by utilizing algorithms – whenever you make an online banking transaction, you have to make sure that there are encryption codes, created by algorithms, to ensure that your private passwords and other information are safe,” said John Kanemoto, sophomore mathematics major and math club member.
After learning how prevalent math is on the outside world, Kanemoto said he began to feel comfortable with his career choice – being a math teacher.
“Making what I am learning in the classroom relevant to the outside world is important because it will make me a better math teacher,” Kanemoto said. “Students need to know that math can be applied elsewhere besides the classroom.”
For those looking to connect with the math department, said Kate Drennan, sophomore mathematics major and math club president, meetings are held at 3 p.m. every Wednesday in Brighton Hall, Room 115.
“We want to create a little math community where people don’t have to feel afraid or self conscious to talk about math,” Drennan said.
The Math Club will be hosting an Integration Bee at 5:30 p.m. on May 5 in Mendocino Hall, Room 3013.
Drennan said this event is similar to a regular spelling bee, but it instead revolves around mathematical integration.
She said winners of the competition will receive cash prizes and many extra credit opportunities.
“You get all these people excited about math in one room, who knows what chaos can happen,” Koch said.
Erin Rogers can be reached at [email protected]