Club motivates students to become fit while socializing

Hornets on the Move:Aidan Gilmore (left), senior dietetics major, and Shuana Schultz take a morning walk for Hornets on the Move.:Tony Nguyen -State Hornet
February 3, 2010
Hornets on the Move, a fitness club at Sacramento State, provides students an alternative to pursuing personal wellness by walking or running their way through the American River trails every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
Hornets on the Move was created three years ago by the Health and Wellness Promotion Services.
The club works closely with many different health organizations on campus, including Sac State’s Student Health Services, Fit HELP, Recreational Sports and Peak Adventures.
These departments advise the club and help to make administrative decisions.
Aidan Gilmore, senior dietetics major and club president, said Hornets on the Move is successful because it provides support and encouragement to its members.
Gilmore said students involved in the club are given incentives for partaking in club activities, exercises and meetings.
The club keeps track of club members’ attendance; if they show up to five meetings, they receive a free water bottle. At seven, they receive a free T-shirt.
Gilmore said the club is meant to be more flexible than going to the gym. Being a member of the club is not a nuisance to the individual, she said; it is more a resource or outlet.
“What makes this club even better is having the privilege to run and walk with people from campus,” Gilmore said.
Shauna Schultz, dietician for Student Health Services, said the reason she invests her time in the club is because it consists of staff, students and faculty who are working together, having fun, getting fit and meeting people.
Schultz said she believes the club is important because it implements wellness – something the university has been trying to move towards in the past couple years.
She said the club is different than other sports and recreational teams because the qualifications needed to join are less stringent.
Gilmore said the goal of the club is to help people gain motivation to run and walk at least two times a week.
Julia Leaderbrand, graduate food and nutrition student and club member, said she is thankful Hornets on the Move is at school.
“HOTM is a great opportunity; it’s free, convenient, offers motivation and support and you have access to experts in the field at your disposal,” Schultz said.
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