Asi greets students in library quad
September 19, 2009
ASI hosted its “Day in the Quad” in the library quad in honor of Constitution Week.
Terry Martin, vice president of finance at ASI, said the purpose of the event was to spread the word of ASI to students and to introduce the programs and services that ASI offers.
Booths at the event included representatives for the Office of Government Affairs, KSSU, the Aquatic Center, Peak Adventures, Community Service Events, the Student Life Services Center, the Business and Administrative Office and the Green Sting.
“We all essentially wear one hat at the end of the day,” Martin said. “We’re all connected and work together to let students know that we are ASI and that they, as students, are also ASI.”
Laura Gonzalez, director of the Office of Government Affairs, said that she was at the Day in the Quad to register students to vote and to inform people about what Government Affairs does. “The reason we are here is because is because we are connecting with students,” Gonzalez said.
Government Affairs is currently promoting and recruiting for the new lobby core that will begin in spring 2010. The lobby core will allow students to get involved in government, to get tours of the capital, and provide for opportunities for meet-and-greets with legislators and government officials.
Along with recruiting for the lobby core, Gonzalez was giving students information about student elections. The Office of Government Affairs will be holding informational meetings, seeking to provide students with more knowledge about what officers do, who can run and how the election process works.
Sophomore computer programming major Mia Wilson said that it was a really nice event.
“I found out a lot of things I’ve never known were offered, like discounted legal services and river rafting with Peak Adventures,” she said.
Alexandra Fritch of Peak Adventures said, “Many students don’t know that we offer free gear and transportation. It’s a perfect way for new freshman, and all students, to get out and have fun on the weekends.”
Rachel Hunt, senior English major, said that out of all the booths she felt most enthusiastic about Peak Adventures.
“They offer a lot of activities, like skydiving, at a really cheap price,” Hunt said. “Also, I’ll definitely be participating in the blanket making next week.”
Community Service Events will be hosting the no-sew blanket making Sept. 21-25 in the University Union lobby, where students can create blankets that will be donated to the Sacramento Children’s Home.
“It’s a great opportunity where students can have fun and give back to the kids,” said Mercedes Tyler, Assistant Coordinator of Community Services.
ASI Days in the Quad are done every couple months to promote ASI. “We’re here to communicate with students so that they know what we do and offer, and we know what they want,” said Meliza Khoo, special project coordinator of ASI.
Brittany Bottini can be reached at [email protected].