Many places to be fit, healthy in Sac

Vickie Johnson

Summertime is almost here and that means bikinis, short skirts, wife beaters and board shorts. Summertime is also a time to be healthy and active – staying fit is very important in today’s society.

Some Sacramento State students have gotten accustomed to eating fast food and drinking excessive amounts of beer on the weekends – or even during the week.

Zack McWilliams, graphic design major, said that he drinks with his friends to relax from school.

“I never really think about the calories I intake, I just drink to be social,” McWilliams said.

Should students really be thinking about their health? Staying fit is very important when it comes to being healthy. Sac State students have many opportunities to stay active and stay fit.

Amanda Johnson, manager of Zuda Yoga Studio, said many Sac State students come to Zuda to get away from exams and papers.

The studio offers a variety of different classes that are 75 minutes each. At Zuda, students and others are able to sweat off their stress and problems and receive a good workout while doing it.

“This is great for students because they tend to have a hectic work schedule. If you commit to it and stay with it, you will get a full cardio workout,” Johnson said.

The studio offers 37 different classes with a student rate of $12-$16 per class, depending on which class you take.

Assistant professor of kinesiology and health sciences Craig Tacla said staying healthy is simply a means to better your lifestyle, keep your body healthy and live longer.

“Studies have shown that working out really brings out the endorphins in your body to make you in a better mood and to get you to feel the need to exercise,” Tacla said.

Endorphins are the neurotransmitters in your brain that have pain-relieving qualities; they cause your workouts to be something to look forward to.

“Hot weather is just around the corner, so that means more students are going to be outside enjoying the weather and the chance to stay fit outside,” Tacla said.

However, with finals just around the corner, it might be a bit difficult to enjoy the weather.

“I think that everyone is busy and a lot of times there are a lot of things going on in their lives. I really think that exercise is something that people should not neglect; they should make time for it,” Tacla said.

Besides Zuda Yoga Studio, located off-campus, there are many other opportunities for students to take advantage of at Sac State.

The sunshine gives students a chance to use the bike trial that runs right next to campus.

“We have the wellness center that will be coming in 2010, and it will allow our students to really take advantage of getting themselves in shape. There will be different types of athletic equipment as well as gym equipment,” Tacla said.

Sac State also offers intramural sports, which include everything from soccer to kickball and basketball.

Staying fit and working out is not just something that helps students get in shape, but also allows people to cope with the stressful events they deal with every day.

“I think one of the things we know from research is that it allows (students) to reduce stress and we can incorporate the social component as well because it allows people to meet other people,” Tacla said.

Agnes Stark, English graduate student, feels as though staying fit and working out is important to living longer and being healthy.

According to, you can add years to your life by simply working out.

“Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce your risk of heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and some cancers,” writer Susan Crandel said in September 2006 after scientific research.

Stark is training for a triathlon and feels that when she works out, she is pushing herself to the limit.

“I’m all for (working out). For me, health and nutrition are really important. It is a lifestyle that so many people should look into because it really does make you happy,” Stark said.

There are many options that are available here in Sacramento. Healthy Habbits Studio, located in midtown Sacramento, offers a variety of yoga classes for students and those who are interested in getting a good workout and a healthy lifestyle experience.

Classes range from $15 to $200, depending on how many you are willing to take.

There is also Sacramento Yoga Center that offers a variety of classes for beginners who want to do pilates. Those classes range from $12 to $60.

Other than yoga, there are many different gyms that students can attend. 24 Hour Fitness, located off Fulton Avenue, offers students discounts at different times of the year.

For more adventerous students, Sacramento Pipeworks offers not only the regular excersise classes, but 11,000 feet of climbing terrain. It is located at 116 N. 16th St., in downtown Sacramento and a day pass is only $16 after 3 p.m. and $9 before.

For students looking to get healthy this summer break, there are many options that they have to look forward to.

Vanessa Johnson can be reached at [email protected]