Having trouble staying in shape? Get Fit HELP
May 25, 2009
Spring is here, school is almost out, and that means term papers and finals are right around the corner. With all of that researching, writing and studying, how does one find a way to make time to get exercise and stay in shape?
Well, Sacramento State offers a fitness, healthy eating and lifestyle program, Fit HELP, to all students.
It’s good to see a program like this on campus. College students lead busy lives with school, work and other extracurricular activities. For many, this doesn’t leave a lot of time to eat right and exercise.
Let’s face it, many of us have poor dietary and fitness habits, or at least want to improve upon them. It’s one thing to think about making changes; it’s another thing to actually do something about it, and that is a big part of why Fit HELP is available.
With a place like Fit HELP on campus, students can drop in during breaks throughout their day. This is far more convenient and cost-efficient than seeing a dietitian or fitness specialist. Fit HELP is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays.
Kalyn Coppedge, a Fit HELP health educator, said the staff tries to offer help with preventative health so that students can learn about how to develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
“Students can get help with weight management, sports performance, injury prevention and recovery, prevention and management of concerns such as high blood pressure and diabetes, eating disorders recovery and stress management,” Coppedge said. “We offer specific services such as body composition analysis, fitness evaluations and diet analysis.”
The Fit HELP center, located in the University Union, does not charge for visits. The services are paid for by the student health fee. For students who want to get in better shape, the Fit HELP center will get them back on the right track by providing information based on individual needs.
Living a healthy lifestyle is a habit that needs to be developed early and, with a free service like this available on campus, it’s a good opportunity for students to learn how to change their poor habits.
“We have an exercise physiologist who can create personalized fitness plans, a dietitian who can provide individualized nutritional counseling, a health psychologist who can help students in achieving their health goals and a health educator who helps students get started in the program and helps organize outreach on campus,” Coppedge said.
Coppedge said the program also does outreach events such as Love Your Body Week, the Sac State 5k run and the De-stress Fest. Additionally, she said staff members give class presentations throughout the year.
For students who are interested in pursuing a career in fitness and health education, Fit HELP offers peer health educator internships for students interested in getting experience in the field.
The Fit HELP center is closed during the summer, and services to students who are new to the program are available until Friday for this semester.
Fit HELP is something that all students should take advantage of. Everyone wants to be healthy, and this program encourages and promotes a healthy lifestyle.
Kyle Kershner can be reached at [email protected]