Model UN students traveling to New York
April 7, 2009
A group of Sacramento State students will travel to New York City for the National Model United Nations session April 4-11, where they hope to win an award of excellence.
Ronald Fox, government professor, will take 11 students. He said that the assignment for this year’s session is to represent a Third World Network, a non-governmental organization that advocates for policies beneficial to countries in the Southern Hemisphere.
Fox said that the Third World Network is represented on six committees and will debate three issues ranging from environmental sustainability to the role of regional trade agreements in the international trading system.
“I expect our students develop a better understanding of the dynamics of international diplomacy, expand their knowledge of the United Nations, improve their communication skills, and have a great deal of fun interacting with students from all over the world,” Fox said.
Fox said Sac State students will interact with 4500 students from 30 different countries from all over the world, including Asia, Africa, Europe, and Latin America.
Sac State students also participate in the American Model United Nations, held in Chicago during the fall. At those sessions, the Sac State delegation has won the “Overall Best Delegation” award in five of the last six years, for representing Colombia, Brazil, Cuba, Venezuela, and Mexico. The group has also won many “Best Delegate in Committee” awards.
David O’Brien, a student on the National Model United Nations delegation, participated twice in the fall American Model United Nations sessions and once for the spring National Model United Session.
O’Brien said that students who attend the events come out with stronger negotiation and communication skills.
“I believe it has helped my skills of analysis, decision-making, and collaboration with my peers,” O’Brien said.
Sac State has won a “Best Position Paper” award in four of the last seven years along with several “Honorable Mention Distinguished Delegation” at the National Model United Nation session.
Fox started the university’s Model United Nations program in 1977.
The club will represent Brazil this fall in the American Model United Nations and will take the role of Iran in the National Model United Nations in Washington, DC.
Catherine Robledo can be reached at [email protected].