Auditor’s Narrative: Elverta Joint School District
April 23, 2009
Receptionist Sharon Anderson asked who I was because they weren’t going to give out copies of the 700 reports to just anyone. I told her my name and she asked my affiliation. I said I was a Sac State student working on a project. She said she couldn’t give me the reports. I asked about the ethics training report and she said I also could not get that.
CalAware Reaction (Terry Francke, General Counsel):
The receptionist at the district office insisted on knowing the auditor’s name, affiliation and purpose in requesting copies of the Form 700s, which were moreover never produced. As to other information sought-records of staff discipline, litigation claims or settlements, etc.- a determination letter issued within the allowed 10 – day response period said that none of these events had occurred within the covered period except a litigation claim involving a bus incident, and that the superintendent’s contract and credit card usage records would be made available.
Dan King can be reached at [email protected].