Auditor’s Narrative: Center Joint Unified School District
April 23, 2009
Sharon Hally, executive assistant to the board, supplied me with copies of the 700 reports to look at in her presence. I asked if I could take the copies with me, and she said no, that isn’t allowed. I had to read them in her presence. I looked over the 700 and notices she only gave them to me for the board. I asked for the superintendent and person in charge of purchasing, she then got those and watched while I looked them over. She asked me for a card, and when I said I didn’t have one, she asked me to write down my name and phone number.
The receptionist took my name and number and said someone would get back to me about the ethics training report.
After I left, Hally called and left me a voicemail asking for my affiliation, said she needed it for my records. I called and left her a message saying I was a student at Sac State and needed this for a project.
Two hours after asking, Hally called me back and said her HR department wasn’t sure what I was looking for ethics training. I told her it had to do with AB 1234, and all I had was that it required staff to go through ethics training once every two years. She said she would get back to me about that.
At 4:00 Hally called me back. She said the are a new district and had not started ethics training, but recognize they need to do it in the future.
CalAware Reaction (Terry Francke, General Counsel):
This district provided copies of the requested Form 700s within 15 minutes and the determination letter on the other data requested within 10 days, as the law allows. It said it would provide all the employment contract and compensation records requested, as well as expulsion data for the covered period (8/1/07 to date), within which there had been no disciplinary action of the kind requested, nor litigation claims or settlements or expense reimbursement claims.
Dan King can be reached at [email protected].