Students march to protest fee increase

A protester yells, “Where’s our bailout?!” as he makes his way from Raley Field to the State Capitol.:
March 18, 2009
On Monday, hundreds of students from up and down California gathered on the West Steps of the State Capitol to send a message to legislators about the recent budget cuts, which have resulted in an increase of university fees.
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Reno Gorman, senior sociology major, said, “It’s not just financially wise to invest in education, it’s also intellectual capital that we are creating.”
Associated Students, Inc. at Sacramento State chose not to participate in or promote the event, and some students feel that was the wrong choice. Ed Ober, senior government major, was disappointed that ASI wasn’t involved this year.
The turnout this year from Sac State was radically lower than those protests that happened in the past regarding education cuts. Last year, ASI helped promote and backed a protest dealing with education cuts. A couple hundred Sac State students rallied at the Capitol. This year, about 15 students showed up.
From San Jose State, students organized and packed two bus loads to come to the Capitol to voice their opinion. Students from as far as Los Angeles and San Francisco, and as close as American River Community College, came to protest as well. The faces in the crowd that swarmed the steps ranged from students just out of high school to middle-age students and parents. Every color from black to white, red to yellow was painted on the faces of inflatable punching bags with student’s faces and quotes on their backs. People came in suits and in sweatpants, clad with signs and chants. Most came with t-shirts pre-made or in gear supporting the school they attend or attended.
California community colleges and schools from the UC system also brought support to the rally. The cuts were originally intended for community colleges, but were switched to the CSU system when the California budget passed.
Anne Morrison can be reached at [email protected].