Keeping us safe from credit card fraud
March 25, 2009
When it comes to credit cards, we all want to make sure that we have security and are avoiding the potential of anyone using our cards illegitimately.
To help reduce this risk, Sacramento State is now working with two major credit card companies, Visa and MasterCard.
This is a step in the right direction to help avoid credit card fraud. It’s good to see the campus recognizing the issues regarding privacy and security on campus and taking the initiative to do something about it.
Both Visa and MasterCard have implemented mandatory merchant programs to help prevent cardholder fraud and identity theft.
Businesses that take Visa and MasterCard as forms of payment must comply with Payment Card Industry data security standards, which help protect cardholder information and prevent compromise.
Students should be aware whenever they use their cards on campus. It’s a good idea to watch closely whenever the card is being used; if the card is taken out of your sight, you never know what could be happening. Someone may be swiping it in a different machine that tracks numbers, and this process can only take a couple seconds.
While it may not sound all that plausible, these days you can never be too sure. We cannot afford to be na’ve about credit card security.
Having said that, students should feel more comfortable than ever while using their credit cards on campus. With the system implemented, it should provide some peace of mind to everyone with a Visa or MasterCard.
On March 12, all Sac State departments that accept credit card payments completed a PCI questionnaire which evaluates security compliance. It provided information on how to keep cardholder security protected and what actions to take if security becomes compromised.
In my time at Sac State, I have frequently used a credit card, and not once have I felt unsafe using it or threatened that someone might be attempting to steal any of my information.
I always keep my eye on my card, and doing so puts my mind at ease.
For those unfortunate enough to end up being a victim of credit card fraud, using a debit card or carrying cash are a couple of alternatives – if you do not feel safe paying with a credit card.
It’s not a perfect system, and despite the fact that there aren’t yet merchant programs for all credit card associations, such as Discover and American Express, Sac State did a good thing by carrying out this program.
Credit card security is important, and hopefully this program will decrease the amount of fraud on campus while making people feel safer using their cards on campus.
Kyle Kershner can be reached at [email protected]