FASHION: What I hate about Sac State

Matt Rascher

There are so many things I love about Sacramento State, from the lessons to the women to our own little Golden Gate. So many things to praise yet I leave every day full of rage. Full of questions as to why people do the things they do. Why they talk so loud on their cell phones, like they’re in their own little private phone booth. Why they come to class all greasy like taking a shower makes taking calculus look easy.

I’m not saying everyone is on the line for these offenses, but if you wear pajamas to school you better get in line to start mending some fences. I can’t tolerate peoeple who don’t care about their appearance, take a little pride and pick some clothes to wear that you didn’t buy on clearance.

Oh and if you decide that high-end designer track suit makes you look fine, please wear something that isn’t going to give you that big fat granny panty line.

I don’t think I’m being too demanding and I don’t feel like I am being too harsh in my reprimanding. These are just things that people in college should know. I mean people don’t wear bathing suits in the snow, or say “yes” when they really mean “no”.

So please take the time to consider what the rest of us have to look at when you walk around campus. I don’t care if you’re having a bad day, you don’t need to show up looking like something that crawled out of Loch Ness. We all have to do our part to keep Sac State pristine, so please, please don’t wear something that will make me want to wash my eyes out with some Listerine.

There are so many things I love about Sac State, but it’s so hard to concentrate when I can’t stop thinking about all the things about it I hate.