We are really screwed, no matter who wins
September 16, 2008
Barack Obama might be popular now but he wasn’t always the center of attention. He only became senator of Illinois out of default after the Republican nominee Jack Ryan withdrew due to a sex scandal.
His speeches may be moving to some but when questioned on his standings he avoids the question and moves on, seeming annoyed.
Community service seems to be the only thing on his resume. Yet, he becomes frustrated with the public as though he is the Messiah and how dare anyone question him.
Obama also choose an old fart, Joe Biden, for his vice president to pick up the tab for his inexperience. Or maybe he did this to even out the playing field.
Change. What exactly does this mean? Are the facts that Obama is younger and a black man what makes him a better choice than a veteran? It is different but there’s no change in raising taxes.
People look up to Obama because he is a good public speaker with a lot of promises, like every other politician. However, does anyone truly understand what he is saying? If anyone asks a question during his speech, he can’t answer it because he is not prepared. Questions are interruptions in his speech that he has practiced so many times that all it is is words. If his speech is interrupted at any time he might not know when to pick it back up.
John McCain’s resume stretches across the ocean to Vietnam, turning into old man stories that lose their facts. There is no way of telling which parts are true and which parts are rambling.
The fact that he admits to being a dinosaur by saying that he will only run for one term makes it worse.
McCain chose a woman, Sarah Palin, for his vice president indicating his desperation for the votes intended for Hillary Clinton. What he didn’t realize was that women defend their rights and abortion falls into that category.
Sorry if not every woman wants to keep a rape baby or any baby when she can’t even take care of herself. Condoms break and sometimes birth control doesn’t work. Crap happens and maybe a back up plan isn’t so bad of an idea.
When it comes to the 2008 Presidential Election, flip a coin. We’re screwed either way.
If Obama wins, you can be certain his inexperience will cause him to piss his pants the minute he sets foot in the White House.
If McCain wins, take a good look at Palin to be your next female president because after McCain croaks guess who is taking over. Men start running and women get out your Amish costume that you wore for Halloween because that’s going to be your new dress code.
For the sake of our nation, I hope I’m wrong.
Hillary Geiger can be reached at [email protected]