University Union preps for Phlagleblast
September 10, 2008
By this time next week, students will just be getting into the swing of things: classes will have been located, a general study schedule will have been set, and the homework will have piled up to the ears once more. So what better time is there to step away from the classroom for a little while and explore the other conveniences Sac State has to offer? And the best way to begin is with hanging at the Union’s annual Phlagleblast.
Phlagleblast – a word made up to reflect the individuality of the union when the event began nine years ago – is basically the union’s open house.
“It’s an opportunity for the students to find out the types of services the Union has to offer and for them to see the locations for specific offices: KSSU, ASI, ASI Business office, Peak Adventures, Rec Sports, etc,” Programs Advisor for UNIQUE Programs, Zenia Diokno said. But rather than memorized monotonous tours or a worker standing awkwardly behind a booth covered in brochures, students have the chance to see what there is while having fun at the same time. “My favorite part of Phlagleblast is simply the environment that day,” said Diokno. “There’s an energy in the building and everyone’s excited. There’s so much going on – decorations, entertainment, lots of people, information being given out about all the cool things right here?I love seeing the union so busy.”
Perhaps what makes this event interesting is the Phlagleblast “game” students get to play with a paper card.
“To play the game,” Dean Sorensen, University Union Associate Director, said “they visit over 20 locations throughout the building and get their card stamped at each location.”
At those locations students will receive information, as well as a prize of some sort. Once the card is complete students turn it in at the Information Desk on the first floor for a completion prize and an entry for a major prize. The drawing will be held at 2:15 pm.
Don’t think that these are your bought-in-a-flea-market, rinky-dink, prizes you get at the carnival – we’re talking prizes that the average students may save months for. Things like an X-Box 360, an iPod Touch, a laptop computer, a poker table set. All the stuff you need to amuse yourself and others.
Is this a bribe? Probably. Yet it’s human nature to give into bribery once in a while, right?
If that isn’t enough to peak your interest, let’s not forget the entertainment lined up for the day: music concerts, dancing, a martial arts demonstration, a magician, and ending with a hilarious comedy show featuring Carlos Alazraqui (Sgt. James Garcia from Reno 911!, or for you Nickelodeon fans, Mr. Crocker from Fairly OddParents) and Jill-Michele Melean (Reno 911! and Mad TV)
Yet, for those who run it, when it all comes down to it, the music, the comedy, the prizes, or even the mere presence of the students are not what makes the event an accomplishment.
“If students learn about the Union from participating in Phlagleblast and take greater advantage of our many programs and services this year, instead of just walking through the building, it will have been a success,” Sorensen said
Kyrie Eberhart can be reached at [email protected]