ASI candidates kick off campaigns

Ashley Downton


Tuesday – Director debate, Graduate, Education and Undeclared. Summit Room, University Union, 1:30 to 3 p.m.

Wednesday – Director debate, Arts and Letters, Health and Human Services and Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Lobby Suite, University Union, 2 to 4 p.m.

April 17 – Director debate, Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, Engineering and Computer Sciences, Business. Lobby Suite, University Union, 1:30 to 3 p.m.

April 21 – Sample ballots available on ASI website.

April 22 – Debate, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Vice President of University Affairs. Walnut Room, University Union, 2 to 3:30 p.m.

April 23 – Debate, Executive Vice President and Vice President of Finance. Oak Room, University Union, 2 to 3:30 p.m.

April 24 – Presidential debate. Lobby Suite, University Union, 2 to 3 p.m.

April 29 and 30 – Voting begins, Library Breezeway, Library Quad, Riverfront Center Patio, and Student Life & Services Center.

April 30 – Winners announced. Union Station Lobby, University Union, 8 to 10 p.m. Twenty-one Sacramento State students began campaigning for positions on the Associated Students Inc. board of directors on Monday at midnight.

Two slates, Action and Imagine Revolution, will be competing in this year’s election. A slate is a team of candidates running for different positions on the ASI board under a common platform.

members of the Action slate stated that their platform will celebrate diversity, promote unity and provide student services. Nine candidates are running under this slate, which consists of ASI board, staff and department members.

Imagine Revolution focuses on the platform for a revolution or change within ASI. Robert Linch, director of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, is running for executive vice president under this slate.

“We want students to imagine a revolution within ASI – an ASI that really strives to represent the students. I think that the current ASI does that and I think that there are steps that can be taken to build on that reputation,” Linch said.

Miguel Cervantes, executive vice president, is running uncontested for the position of president.

Incumbent Vice President of Finance Tim Snyder is also running uncontested, along with director of education candidate Florenda McGee and graduate director candidate Shawn Smith.

ASI President Christina Romero said any person running uncontested will be elected into office unless they are disqualified. The candidate also has to receive at least one vote.

Disqualification can occur when a candidate does not file paperwork on time or if a valid election complaint is brought before the election committee, Romero said. No candidates are running for director of Arts and Letters, director of Engineering and Computer Sciences and director of Undeclared. The position for director of Engineering and Computer Sciences has been vacant since the beginning of the semester.

Ashley Downton can be reached at [email protected].