Students encouraged to love their bodies

Tony Paulson, executive director of the Summit Eating Disorders and Outreach Program, gave a speech on eating disorders and how to help loved ones who may be affected by them in the Orchard Suite in the Union Thursday.:
March 8, 2008
Various clubs and organizations at Sacramento State came together to reach out to the campus community about nutrition and body awareness.
Love Your Body Week’s ultimate goal was to inform students of the resources they can utilize on campus and to promote a more positive image and lifestyle for students.
“If we can get someone out there to help, or help them recognize their own problem or a problem in someone they love, we will be successful,” said Kalyn Coppedge, health educator at Sac State.
The Mind and Body Fair kicked off Love Your Body Week on Feb. 26 in the Library Quad.
Junior psychology major Claire Worley said events like the fair are beneficial to the campus community.
“The school should invest in more programs like this. It can really help students,” Worley said.
In addition to the fair, Sac State Recreational Sports offered free yoga classes throughout the week of the event.
Coppedge said the focus of the yoga classes is not to get people in shape, but to engage students in an activity they would enjoy.
Love Your Body Week continued on Feb. 27 in the University Union with the showing of “Real Women Have Curves,” a movie organizers said portrays a healthy body image. Coppedge said the issue of eating disorders, and an unhealthy body image, affects a lot of people.
“It was mostly a place students could come and relax,” Coppedge said.
It is not just college-aged students who are affected by disorders. Students should pay attention to those around them who may need help, Coppedge said.
Health officials on campus feel that it’s important for students to see themselves in a positive light.
“It’s important for students to focus on the positives,” Coppedge said.
The Student Health Advisory Committee, Food and Nutrition Club, and Wellness Program participated in the Mind and Body Fair to give students information about appreciating their own physical and mental health.
Junior nursing major Cathleen Corradi, who participated in the Mind and Body Fair, said she would like to educate students about alcohol and other drugs.
“We go to classes during the fall and talk to younger students about safe and healthy partying,” Corradi said.
Sac State dietician Shauna Schultz participated because she said college-aged students should appreciate their bodies.
“We’re handing out ribbons for students to show their support for healthy body week. Also, we’re providing educational information,” Schultz said.
On Friday, students were provided a chance to understand the underlying issues of eating disorders and to better learn how to help those they love who are affected.
Dr. Tony Paulson, clinical director of Summit Eating Disorder and Outreach Program, spoke to students about how to help their loved ones who suffer from eating disorders.
“A lot of students who went are from the nursing department and may be working with people who suffer from these disorders, so they can now better understand why someone might develop an eating disorder,” Coppedge said.
In addition to gathering information on disorders and unhealthy images, the campus community is encouraged to become more unified.
“We want to promote the idea of taking care of your body all the time, not just when you’re sick,” Coppedge said.
Coppedge said many students are on diets that aren’t healthy, and are adopting habits they don’t need.
Organizations at Sac State came together to organize events in support of March as National Nutrition Month in addition to Love Your Body Week.
The Food and Nutrition Club at Sac State has tentatively scheduled a Nutrition Jamboree for the third week in March to promote better nutrition for the campus community.
President of the Food and Nutrition Club and dietetics major Michelle Gambucci encouraged students to become involved in the club, even if their major doesn’t coincide.
“We want to get information out about healthy dieting and exercising and we want people to appreciate themselves,” Gambucci said.
The Student Health Advisory Committee has also become a contributing force in better health around campus.
“We are the bridge of communication between students and the health center. And on March 18, we will be hosting the very first Health Awareness Expo at Sac State,” said Cedric Irving, microbiology major and representative for SHAC.
Students are encouraged to visit the Student Health Center for more information on eating disorders.
Amanda Pollard can be reached at [email protected].