Lost Ep. 3 recap
February 15, 2008
In this episode we find out that Sayid is the newest member of the ‘Oceanic Six.’ This week the writers are giving us a little bit more information about who he is by switching between the past and present again.
After Sayid gets off the island he becomes what I think is some type of “hit man.” With secret phone calls to his boss, who we later find out is Benjamin from the ‘Others,’ he is told to kill this economist, who some how is linked to the island. Sayid meets up with the economist’s blond, attractive assistant, ‘by accident’, who he is supposed to use to find the economist. Problem #1: Sayid falls in love with her. Problem #2: Sayid decides to tell her that she needs to leave because she will end up dead. Problem #3: He has to kill her because she knew about him.
This maybe the best storyline that Lost has going so far. Well mainly because I’m over the whole Jack, Kate and Sawyer love triangle. It’s getting old; unless the writers are going to do something with that storyline, please drop it. The sexual tension thing is getting old.
Back on the island the divided groups are still standing strong. Locke won’t give up power and it seems that everyone is slowly turning on each other. YES! This is what I’ve been waiting for, now we can see why only six people got off the island.
Stay tuned for next week when Sawyer and Kate are supposedly going to be hooking up. Sorry Jack-and-Kate supporters!