MOJO: Behind the scenes at the Dining Commons

Production Manager Angel Balaoing at the Dining Commons’ deli station, ready to make sandwiches.:
December 5, 2007
Hidden on the North end of campus, unknown in location and title to most students, is the Dining Commons, or as the residents of the dorms know it, “The DC.”
Students who live in the residence halls have meal plans for eating at the Dining Commons. The two plans available have different allocations, or credits, for meals.
In addition to their credits, students have six guest passes they can use for friends who are visiting and want to eat with them. When passes run out, guests also have the option of paying with cash.
Production Manager Angel Balaoing said he plans the menu and helps with food preparation.
“I’m in charge of the food that goes out for the students,” he said.
Balaoing said there are multiple specials each day. Chicken curry and buffalo-style pizza are the featured meals today.
On the inside wall hangs Platter Chatter, a display board where students can include suggestions and requests or ask questions.
“I’m usually responsible for addressing those issues,” Balaoing said. “They tell us what they want and we usually accommodate.”
Once every three months, students get together to celebrate the birthdays that have happened during the quarter over cake and ice cream. Balaoing said the event, called Birthday Nights, is an opportunity for students to socialize and win prizes.
The Dining Commons employs a large amount of students who greet students and prepare food, among other things.
Shaun Waterhouse, junior kinesiology major, has been working on campus since the beginning of the semester. As a recent transfer to Sac State, he used the job as a way to integrate into campus life.
“The people that I work with make it fun,” he said. “(I also like) meeting all the new students…I’m new in town so it really helps me.”
Mark Minggia, junior geography major, said he has worked on campus for four semesters, and enjoys its convenience.
“I wanted a job that was on campus so I could get to class,” he said.
The Dining Commons is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and weekends and holidays from 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Natalye Childress Smith can be reached at [email protected].