BLOG: ‘Real World’ recap — episode 4

Rosa Pastran

Oooo DIS!

It’s one thing to tell someone that you may think a girl has a crush on you, but it is completely different when you tell everyone you live with that she may be head over heels for you.

Dunbar had his ego served and carved to him in the latest episode of the Real World. After pushing away Parisa and trying to cling to KellyAnne, his plan failed miserably when KellyAnne heard she was “apparently” professing her love to him.

Shauvon had no part in this triangle and I was damn proud of her. Staying out of the limelight is smart at this point since the season just started. Now, that’s not to say she won’t have her own faults and stories throughout the season, but staying on the down low is quite considerate at this moment.

The love triangle of Dunbar, KellyAnne and Parisa is getting quite old. I applaud KellyAnne for putting to rest that nonsense that was created. I just wish Parisa would finally let go and find herself another man to follow. He’s just not that into you! Is it just me, or does she remind anyone else of Real World Hawaii’s cast mate Amaya? Crazy!

After all, the highlight of the episode was not Isaac’s lime green shirt that almost caused me to go blind, but KellyAnne and Cohutta’s flirtation that seemed that it went somewhere and nowhere all at the same time. After he started showing his southern soft side to the natives, KellyAnne dug her claws into him. Innocent? I think not.

Her coquettish demeanor and Cohutta’s straight forward attitude seems like it might be a match made in heaven, that is if Dunbar can stop being a hater.

His hard-to-get attitude Cohutta has with KellyAnne drives her crazy and I think draws her even more to him. If she falls hard for him, it won’t be anyone’s fault but hers.

Shauvon has her hands full with the rest of her house mates. She’s been a good girl for two straight episodes in a row! Let’s see how long it takes her to break her streak.

Stay Tuned–

Rosa Pastran can be reached at [email protected]