Administrator claims graffiti incident could lead to discipline
September 26, 2007
Sacramento State students were greeted Tuesday morning by graffiti on the side of Mendocino Hall. The tagging, which appeared to be hastily done in black spray paint, said “Dear Gonzo PLZ RESIGN” and was signed by a group or individual identified only as “The Boston Tea Party.”
The message, which was visible throughout the morning, was covered in butcher paper by 1:30 p.m. It is now painted over.
The location of the graffiti on the wall next to the Anthropology Museum could suggest that it was a direct response to Tuesday’s revelation in the Sacramento Bee that the school endorsed the hunting of red-listed animals in Tanzania. However, no official connection between the two has been confirmed.
Associate Vice President of Public Affairs Frank Whitlatch said that because the graffiti was on the building in the morning when the story broke, the two incidents are most likely not linked.
“I have a hard time seeing how it would be related to the Bee story,” he said.
Although the administration is unaware of who defaced the building, anyone found to have been involved will be punished.
“Students would probably face both disciplinary action from Student Affairs and potential legal action,” Whitlatch said.
Natalye Childress Smith can be reached at [email protected].