A reason to learn

State Hornet

Summer time withdrawals have all worn off. Students are making their way through the first of their assignments shuffling to and from their classes, late registrations are all but filled out, that obnoxious guy sitting in the back row is already pushing that last nerve and another week at Sacramento State goes by.

The routine of school is back and students are returning to robot-mode, but that doesn’t have to be the case.

Here at Sac State, the school-time “routine” can be anything but.

Sure, students are shuffling from class to class. How many of them are 90 years old though? Estelle Rees Arroyo, a history major here, made the decision to go back to college to get out of the house. This kind of logic may not appeal or apply to the general college student, but it’s certainly encouraging. The desire to learn and grow never dwindles regardless of how old one is.

Instead of moping in the classroom blues, remember why you’re here in the first place. Students make a conscious decision that they’re going to better themselves with an education. They’re here because there’s a subject that genuinely interests them.

There seems to be this mentality students fall into when they forget why they decided to go to college in the first place. There are plenty of alternative routes out there. Students can go straight from high school into the work place and make the money to buy the toys they want.

Some students go to school to pacify their parents. Where’s the sense in that? Think of all the wasted time. Think of all the missed opportunities to do what really makes you happy. That’s what it’s all about.

Of course there are going to be those subjects that we just dread, but there’s a selection of classes that can challenge and provoke the student mind. Remember, you’re doing this because you enjoy it.

The State Hornet staff can be reached at [email protected].