Faculty senate approves no-confidence referendum



Cody Kitaura

A majority of Sacramento State’s Faculty Senate approved a vote of no confidence in President Alexander Gonzalez, Faculty Senate Chair Michael Fitzgerald announced in an e-mail today.

Four-hundred sixty-four faculty members voted in favor of the vote of no confidence, and 134 voted against it. Two members of the faculty senate abstained from voting.

This translates into a 77 percent vote for the referendum and a 22 percent vote against the referendum.

In his letter responding to the decision to hold a vote on a no-confidence referendum, Gonzalez criticized members of the Sac State community.

“In the 28 years I have been a part of the California State University . . . I have yet to encounter the level of incivility, mean-spiritedness and outright distortion that I have found among some members of the Sacramento State community,” Gonzalez said in his letter. “It embarrasses and saddens me.”