Night of the living homeless in ‘South Park’
April 25, 2007
Trey Parker and Matt Stone have figured out how to solve the homeless problem in America, send them somewhere else.
I don’t know who this episode would offend, maybe the homeless, but they don’t have homes, which means they don’t have television so I think they missed this episode.
Even if a handful of homeless did see this episode, I think they would have more things to worry about than a cartoon making fun of them.
This episode not only made fun of the homeless, it made fun of our country’s reaction to the homeless.
“Don’t give them any money and they’ll leave,” a government scientist said.
He dissects them and starves them and even goes as far as shooting himself instead of confronting them, however, when he doesn’t die from the first gun wound in his face, he shoots himself again and in true South Park fashion the scientist has to shoot himself about a dozen times before he finally dies. The scene was bloody and weird, yet hilarious.
The kids of South Park realize that something needs to be done, so they try and figure out how to fix the “homeless problem.” They are led to the last town that had the same problem and find out that that town sent all the homeless to South Park. So the kids do the only logical thing, they lure the homeless to California, where “rich people have lots of change that they will give you.”
Cartman jumps a homeless man or two on his skateboard; Stan’s dad kills one or two people and the entire town is invaded. Just another typical day in South Park.
Maybe Parker and Stone just wanted to pay homage to “Dawn of the Dead” this week. They set up almost the entire episode to mirror the classic zombie movie. I think one of them had to deal with a homeless person who wanted some change and decided to make a show out of it.
This episode is rated as so inoffensive that grandma could handle it because the only people that would be offended probably won’t watch it and anyone else it offends should be out helping the homeless instead of watching “South Park.”
Brandon Van Meter can be reached at [email protected]