Horneteers of the Year
April 6, 2007
If you have ever been in the Hornets’ Nest to watch a men’s basketball game and sat behind the Hornets’ bench, your attention may have been caught by the sounds of some pretty fanatical hecklers who are positioned to give the referees an earful.
Dubbed by head coach Jerome Jenkins as his No. 1 fans, Ruth Hearn (left) and Evelyn Warner have been faithfully attending Sac State men’s basketball games for eight years.
Now, if you ever had the extreme privilege of sitting within earshot of these dedicated ladies, you may have heard their criticism of the officials, who, by these ladies’ observations, could use a refresher course in officiating.
“You idiot,” is only one of the few colorful phrases that one might hear if they venture behind the Hornet bench. Here is a word to the wise, these ladies are strictly PG-13, keep the kids on the opposite side of the floor.
Warner and Hearn were no less candid in their interview when they decided to vent their frustrations about the referees.
“They should drown themselves,” Hearn said of the officials. “They aren’t capable of refereeing high school basketball.”
Despite the porous officiating, Warner and Hearn believe that this is the year that Sac State will make their debut in the Big Sky Tournament.