Gettin’ nutty in the Nest
April 6, 2007
For all of you who haven’t bothered to wander by Hornet Gym lately on a Thursday or Saturday night — and by the attendance numbers that’s pretty much all of you — we thought instead of asking you to attend a Hornet basketball game, we’d just bring the game to you.
Want to know what kind of fans are out there cheering on your Hornets? Want to know what fans were privileged enough to watch Sac State get a spectacular win over the No. 2 team in the Big Sky in Eastern Washington and break numerous all-time records with their come-from-behind victory over Portland State? Well, here are some of the Horneteers that make their way to the Hornet Gym almost religiously.
As the men’s basketball team ventures towards their tournament debut, The Green Thunder Fanatics made their debut in Thursday night’s game. Painted in green and gold, the fanatics bared a little skin in order to help pump up the crowd and turn a few heads.
Ronnie LaGro (the “O” in Hornets) and Andrew Stewart (the “N”) challenge all Sac State students to start taking a little more pride in Hornet athletics. LaGro, whose favorite Hornet athlete is Chris Lange, also predicts this is the year that Sac State makes the tourney, while Stewart hopes his chest-baring efforts will put some students in the stands.
But if the clothing-less thing doesn’t workout, Stewart is already brainstorming his next concoction. If he could coach the men’s team he would wear Herky the Hornet’s mascot outfit.
“When have you ever seen a mascot coaching a team,” Stewart contends. “It’d be pretty intimidating.” Hmm, have to run that one by coach Jenkins.
Across the court, Curtis Cobb’s attire consists of a shimmering Sac State jersey, a crown and streamers as he travels the stands, megaphone in hand, leading the Horneteers in cheers. Cobb, a fan of Sac State center Tony Champion, can be found trying to encourage various sections in the Hornets’ Nest to get on their feet and carrying Sac State to victory.
Cobb rallies in front of the bleachers leading chants of “defense” to try and get the Sac State fans to send vibrations through the floor. He also likes to make a menace of himself, standing underneath the opponent’s basket when they attempt free throws. His every word is geared towards hearing that beautiful sound of a clank off the rim.
All year, Cobb and his Horneteers 0have been cheering for Brandon Guyton But the man better known as “BG” has a No. 1 fan in Brandon “Poot” Fiori. And Fiori has one message for all those who would rather toss back a cold one on a Saturday night than attend a basketball game — you can do both!
“I just wanted to check out a great game,” Fiori said. “I was drunk and had nothing better to do.” One thing Fiori learned he can’t do both of is be intoxicated and shoot. Fiori was selected to shoot from the Starbucks logo during a timeout on Saturday night. He was given two opportunities, and in his slightly altered state he air-balled both. Better luck next time.
Fiori also thinks a bigger gym may help to create a little bit more of an exciting atmosphere, but I don’t think anything will help those bricks he tossed up in front of 1,267 fans.
Natalie Melcher, one of those who was forced to witness Fiori’s agonizing shots, is also a member of the Big Sky 2002 championship volleyball team. She was at Hornet Gym Saturday night participating in Sac State’s ticket to college program, which pairs up Hornet athletes with youngsters around the Sacramento area.
Melcher, who concedes her favorite Sac State athlete is teammate Sandra Bandimere, wanted to throw her support to her fellow Hornets.
“I like watching basketball,” Melcher said. “If we come to support them hopefully they’ll come and support us.”
Melcher contends the championship volleyball team needs just as much support as the basketball team. A little jealous of the promotions at the game, Melcher would like to see the towels and t-shirts given out at the basketball games to be distributed at the volleyball games as well.
And unlike volleyball, where the officials tend to keep their hands to themselves, Melcher was a little disturbed by the actions of a few of the officials on Saturday night.
“I wish the referees would quit patting the players on the ass,” Melcher said.
The next games at the Hornets’ Nest will feature the women’s basketball team take on Weber State on Thursday and Idaho State on Saturday. Both games are scheduled to start at 7:05 p.m.