Take Action Tour 2007 rocks University Union Ballroom
Junior and philosophy major Cameron Munson, who is volunteering with UNIQUE for his fist semester, collects tickets at the Red Junpsuit Apparatus concert Thursday.:
March 13, 2007
Tonight a sold out Sacramento State crowd experienced the only Northern California stop of the Take Action Tour 2007, a concert featuring The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Emery, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, A Static Lullaby and Kaddisfly.
The Take Action Tour is in support of suicide prevention, and many of the musicians worked to impress this theme upon the crowd.
“Don’t ever be afraid to talk to someone you know about suicide,” Ronnie Winter, lead vocalist for The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, told the crowd near the end of the evening.
Emery lead vocalist Toby Morrell encouraged members of the crowd to speak to people in their lives “who look like they’re hurting.”
The six-band lineup was long, but progressed quickly. In an effort to cut setup time from the night, the drum set for The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus was left on the drum riser throughout the entire concert. This meant preceding bands had their drums placed low and out of sight from many of those in the audience.
The real star of the evening was Emery, who stole the show from headliners The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus with their energetic stage presence and high level of crowd interaction.
Once The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus took the stage, they were greeted with an enthusiastic welcome that quickly deteriorated into a few scattered hands thrown into the air and some determined crowd surfers occasionally rising above the crowd.
As the band’s final song came near, everyone knew what to expect.
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus’ hit single, “Face Down,” turned the crowd into a wild sea surging all at once — in stark contrast to the less energetic responses they had received throughout the night. A few bars into the song, the crowd hollowed out to create room for a huge circle of moshing fans throwing their bodies from one end to the other.
The Take Action Tour will make its next stop in Seattle on Saturday.
Check back later this week with statehornet.com for a podcast of an exclusive interview with Jon Wilkes, the drummer for The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
Cody Kitaura can be reached at [email protected]
function openSlideShow10399(){window.open(slideshowpath + 10399,’selectUser’,config=’scrollbars=No,resizable=Yes’);}Click here to view a photo slideshow from the concert.
Click here to listen to an interview with Jon Wilkes, drummer for The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Media credit: Mindy Yuen