Provocative act in stereo(type)
March 26, 2007
Saturated with sarcasm, satire and racial slurs, the 90-minute original performance of N*GGER WETB*CK CH*NK, or N*W*C for short, is to hit the stage for free in the University Ballroom tonight at 7.
A mixture of stand-up comedy, drama and poetry, N*W*C, which is sponsored by the Multi-Cultural Center, is an attempt to break social barriers of stereotypes among ethnic groups, Allan Axibal, one of the co-writers and cast, said.
“We have a bigger message of only one human race,” Axibal said. “We want to get over seeing our race as biological but as a social construct.”
N*W*C is produced by L.A.-based Speak Theater Arts and is currently on a national tour around the U.S.
Catching the provocative title of the play, junior biology major Michael Massoud said the words caught his attention and is considering to attend the event.
“Just from the words and the T-shirts, it’s something completely different,” Massoud said.
While tonight is the only night N*W*C will be on campus, it will remain in the northern California area until the end of the week. More information can be obtained from the website at
“Looking around, I see a very diverse group at Sac State and this is perfect because it’s about building community,” Axibal said. “When people laugh together, the build community together.”
Mary Chou can be reached ar [email protected].