Students ‘Benefit’ from cheap salon services at the mall

Elizabeth Wilson

Benefit cosmetics has opened up a mini-salon on July 8 atMacy’s Arden Fair. The new “Brow Bar” offerswaxing and tweezing of brows, lips, chins and sideburns at astudent-affordable cost. Benefit’s founders, Jean and JaneFord, constantly proclaim that “a professional brow archlights up your look! It’s like a mini makeover.’

Arianne Damboise, “The Arch Empress of Brows” andaesthetician has been shaping brows for Benefit for the last 14years. She personally trains every Benefit aesthetician while shesets up “Brow Bars” all over the country.

Her work has been displayed in magazines such as Allure andGlamour and has celebrity clients from New York to San Francisco toLA.

The Benefit “Brow Bar” offers walk-up services withno appointment necessary any day of the week. Drop innow…

Brow Bar Menu

Brow arching: $15

Brow tweeze: $18

Brow and Lip wax: $23

Lip wax: $8

Chin wax: $10

Lip and chin wax: $15

Lip, chin, sideswax: $24