New Greek adviser lauded by frat council
February 24, 2007
Sacramento State’s Greek system has a new big brother, as Tom Carroll replaced interim Greek adviser Heather Dunn Carlton Oct. 4.
Carroll had the same position for three years at California State University, Hayward, increasing the Greek population by 50 percent. He has also served as the International Leadership Consultant for the Delta Chi Fraternity and has helped colonize three new chapters.
Sacramento State’s Delta Chi chapter was removed from campus after an incident during Greek Week in 2002.
After visiting 75 campuses, including Sac State, Carroll has seen many different Greek systems. He believes that fraternities and sororities are a driving force on student activity and wishes to see more involvement throughout the campus.
“A great Greek community has already been built here at Sac State,” Carroll said. “But we can make it an outstanding program. I am excited to be at a campus with so many opportunities and so much potential for Greek life.”
At the Interfraternity Council meeting Thursday, Carroll also discussed plans for preparing fraternities to purchase land for a Greek row.
“It would be great to have a place where positive aspects of fraternity and sorority life can be fostered,” Carroll said.
At the meeting, Carroll also discussed other ways to help improve the Greek system. He is working with IFC to find a way to combine Greeks with Recreation Sports to get more participation with intramural sports.
He also explained his plans to involve multi-cultural Greeks with the community and to raise the average member rate in the Greek system. Moe Stephens, a former program adviser, left behind detailed guides to help Carroll succeed in improving the Greek system at Sac State.
Brandon Kline, president of IFC, believes Carroll will be a positive force on the Greek community.
“We are building a strong foundation and Tom will provide fresh energy for a Greek row,” Kline said. “A new perspective is always good.”