Major fair provides students with department info

Philip Malan

The major fair was held Tuesday in the University Union Ballroom, and there were many different departments at the event.

Career counselor Shari Gonzales said 45 different departments signed up to be at the event, but there were not that many departments at the event.

The major fair gave students a chance to make decisions as to what it is that they want their studies to focus on, said David McVay, a career counselor.

“The event is intended mostly for those students who are in the process of deciding their major or who would like the change their major, so most freshmen and sophomore students attend,” McVay said. “However, some juniors who are in the process of deciding or changing (majors) also come to the fair.”

Mignon Gregg, the acting chair of the government department was giving information to people about her department.

Gregg said that she was giving out information about the internship program, which includes the opportunity to go and do an internship in Washington D.C. She was also passing out forms of the general education requirements for the government major.

“I came to check out stuff on Psychology since that is what I am interested in, and in my freshman seminar class we get extra credit for coming to the major fair,” said Chara Deloney, an undeclared freshman.