Men’s tennis player reprimanded for actions during Big Sky Tournament

Benn Hodapp

According to a press release from Sacramento State men’s tennis player Thomas Morton was publicly reprimanded for his actions after Sac State’s match against Montana in the semi-finals of the Big Sky Tournament on April 28 in Pocatello, Idaho.

The release called the reprimanding in response to “Inappropriate comments (Morton) directed at an Intercollegiate Tennis Association official.”

Morton said that an official who called a singles match between he and Felipe Raw of Montana “shouldn’t have been out there.” Morton added, “The whole tournament just had bad vibes. There weren’t enough courts and it looked more like a farming convention than a tennis tournament.”

As for his reasoning for the actions Morton said that Sac State was threatened numerous times with a possible point penalty if Morton’s teammates did not quiet down on the sidelines during the match. “Montana’s players were cheering and rooting their guy on too and the umpire didn’t say anything to them,” he said. Morton also received a point penalty for kicking a ball during the match.

Morton added that in hindsight he should have acted differently but also made clear that he will not apologize for his actions. “I wouldn’t do it again, but I won’t apologize unless my team is threatened with a penalty down the road.”

The release also stated that the reprimand was given after Morton “was asked to apologize for the inappropriate comments.” However, Morton maintains that he was never asked to give an apology. “I was asked to leave immediately after the match. They didn’t give me a chance to apologize.”

Morton was caught off guard when he heard of the reprimand. “I never knew that I was going to be reprimanded. Nobody told me.” According to Sac State Athletics Director Terry Wanless the Big Sky Conference “has the authority to reprimand publicly when deemed appropriate.” Wanless added, “Athletes are pre-warned so they should know what is expected of them.”

Morton, a senior, was not suspended because the incident happened in his final collegiate match. He finished the season with an 8-13 singles record and a 1-2 record in doubles

Benn Hodapp can be reached at [email protected]