Hemp Ale

Galen Kusic

For those who love hemp beer ?” Hemp Ale, brewed by the Humboldt Brewing Company is a great beer to try.

The company was formerly located in Arcata, but is now in Palo Alto. This local beer satisfies a taste for all types of Northern California beer drinkers. The interesting thing about Hemp Ale is that it is perfectly legal ?” regardless of all the debates about legalized hemp in this country.

The real issue when dealing with a beer is the taste- and Hemp Ale comes through. The dark, caramel tinted ale brings a smooth, slightly sweet yet musky roasted flavor, followed by enough carbonation to have a small bite.

The aftertaste is pleasant, not too strong, but enough to let you know that the brew has 5.7 percent alcohol by volume. The overall taste is hearty and wholesome. It is obvious the ale was brewed with delicate care.

The Humboldt Brewing Company has been around since 1854, but closed in 1940. It reopened again in 1987, and has been making Hemp Ale since 1998.

The brew is made with sterile hemp seeds. These are completely legal, and the pepper-flavored seeds give the ale a slight spice, and increase the blend of flavors. Two different kinds of hops mix with the hemp seeds nicely.

Hemp ale is really unlike any other type of beer. Its distinct flavor and environment-friendly approach continue to attract many customers in northern California.

Hemp Ale is a perfect example of how important hemp is to the economy. If hemp could be grown legally here, we wouldn’t have to import it. The fact that beer can be made well with hemp is just another use for the versatile plant.

Hemp produces rope, food for livestock, clothing, paper, food products and countless other things for a much cheaper price than current methods.

Drinking Hemp Ale is a way to support a cause for hemp to become legal industrially.

It is a tasty beer, and is perfect to sit down and have with a meal or to drink while harvesting your own garden of fruits and vegetables. It can be enjoyed in summer or winter, and it has cooling and heating aspects to whatever weather you happen to be in.

Hemp Ale is a quality beer that can satisfy even the most picky beer drinker’s taste. It is full, but not too overwhelming-and not too light or weak either.

I recommend it to anyone who considers themselves a beer connoisseur.

Rating: 3.2 Stars

Total stars possible: 4

Galen Kusic can be reached at [email protected]