Greeks sing to victory
January 5, 2007
Alpha Phi and Tau Kappa Epsilon were announced the winners of Greek Week at Greek Sing, the week’s last event.
Going into Greek Sing, Tau Kappa Epsilon and Sigma Phi Epsilon were leading the fraternities and Alpha Phi and Chi Delta were the leading sororities. With Alpha Phi and Tau Kappa Epsilon winning the Greek Sing event, they both clinch the bragging rights as this year’s Greek Week winners.
For Greek Sing, each chapter performed its own musical routine and was judged based on the music, props and costumes, choreography and overall theme of the performance.
In preparation for Greek Sing Alpha Phi senior Lindsey Mcgowcen said her sorority in the past couple of weeks practiced on its routine and worked on the props and costumes. Mcgowcen said what sets Greek Sing apart from the other events is that it gives her sorority a chance to be creative with their routine.
“Greek Sing is more about personality than athletic ability,” Mcgowcen said.
Greek Sing also differentiates from other Greek Week events because the judging is based on the effort and the creativity put into the theme, props and costumes, according toGamma Phi Beta member Kim Tresca, who is also vice president of Greek Activities and co-organizer of Greek Week.
Spectators watched as the different chapters performed their routines with other sororities and fraternities cheering each other on.
Nick Tenuto, a math junior, thought the event was good and liked the different customes and routines.
“I think they [all] tried their best and a lot of effort was put into their routine,” Tenuto said.
Matthew Beltran can be reached at [email protected]