An unconventional school
January 9, 2007
“School for Scoundrels,” which opens nationwide Friday, Sept. 29, is a hilarious comedy starring Jon Heder, Billy Bob Thorton, Jacinda Barrett and even a surprise appearance by-drum roll please-Ben Stiller.
This film is a remake of the 1960’s film, “School for Scoundrels.”
The movie tells the story of Roger (Heder) a lovable loser that has failed miserably in life. Roger is a parking meter maid who is madly in love with his neighbor, Amanda (Barrett). The only problem is that Roger lacks confidence and has been used to being walked all over his entire life. He enrolls in Dr. P’s (Thorton) super-secret “confidence building” class in order to gain respect and finally become someone, or in this case, become a “lion.”
Heder is hilarious is his role as Roger, and is finally beginning to make a name for himself other than, “the Napoleon Dynamite guy.”
Thorton plays the clever and manipulative Dr. P, a professor who teaches his students how to get the girl, the promotion, or whatever they may be striving for. He does this through not so conventional, and often dangerous, techniques. Thorton cleans up nicely in this film and almost makes your skin crawl with the dirty tricks he has up his sleeve.
Barrett plays Amanda, Roger’s sweet Australian neighbor. Barrett is perfect for the role with her girlish looks and innocent charm. Amanda gets caught up in Dr. P’s lies and falls for his suave charm. Will Roger be able to rise up and save her from the coercive Dr. P?
“Scoundrels,” directed by Todd Phillips (“Old School”) uses slapstick comedy and plenty of physical humor to tell the story of how Dr. P undermines Roger and goes after his girl. In the end, Roger and the rest of the lovable losers will have to take everything Dr. P taught them and a few of their own smarts to fight back.
Other notable appearances include Sara Silverman as Becky, Amanda’s sarcastic and eccentric roommate. Silverman is deadpan funny in the role.
Michael Clark Duncan plays Dr. P’s assistant and, as always, is terrifying as his role of the big scary black man.
This film is absolutely hilarious and will have you laughing out loud.
Anyone that has ever been the underdog or the nice guy that finishes last will appreciate this film.
In the end, you have to see this movie, not only for the laughs, but also to find out – Do nice guys ever finish first?
Rating: 3 1/2 Stars
Total stars possible: 4
Amy Ball can be reached at [email protected]