Using pick up lines: A female’s perspective

Image: Infatuation vs. Love:Sexcapades with Shauvon Torres.:
October 16, 2006
The object of a man’s sexual attraction is waiting across the room. She is waiting for him to approach her, introduce himself, tell her something funny, charm her, and hopefully, seduce her.
As the self-assured but hesitant man approaches the woman he tries to break the ice. She stares at him up then down, returning to his eyes, waiting for his first words- then he says- “I may not be the best looking guy here, but I’m the only one talking to you-“
OK, I have news gentlemen, I know most of you are classier than that, but there are a few good-men out there who really do take chances on lame “pick up lines.” There are different types, some perverted, laughable and just plain rude.
I’ve picked a few that I believe deserve a great laugh but should never be utilized, according to, these are their “worst pick up lines.”
I may not be Fred Flintstone, but I can make your Bed Rock-
If you’re going to regret this in the morning, we can sleep until the afternoon.
I bet my tongue can beat up your tongue.
I wish you were my homework, so I could do you on the table.
And Yes for the beer drinkers-
You’re so Hot, you’re making my beer warm.
Here are a few more. These are still part of the “worst pick up lines,” but they are not as demeaning towards women. I’m not saying it’s a great decision to use them, but if used they could receive a laugh.
Do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to walk passed you again.
Is that the sun coming up- or is that just you lighting up my world?
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could be at this same place next year- together- and laughing?
And one of my favorites-
Excuse me, can you empty your pockets? I believe you have stolen my heart.
Here are NO NO’s-
My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t hold it in.
Oh my God, I thought I was gay… then I met you.
Oh no, I’m choking! I need mouth to mouth, quick!
I have been a victim of the dreadful pick up line, and I must say it usually completely catches us women off guard.
The last time I received “a lame line,” I was at the bar with some girl friends. A man stumbled over with his beer in hand. He nudged my elbow, practically spilling my martini. He blurted out, “Wow, you ladies from Tennessee? Cause you’re the only 10 I see-” Almost flat faced to the floor.
In this silenced moment, we looked at him wondering how he even though he was going to get a pleasant response. As he stood there with beer drops on his shirt, swaying side to side, my friends and I gave each other “the look.” We laughed, and within two-seconds of us walking away, he met his date for the night, the floor. It gave us a great story and him a sore ass.
Here are a couple come-backs to make sure these men walk away with their mouths dropped and tails between their legs.
Guy: If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put I and U together.Girl: Oh really, because if I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put F and U together.
Guy: Where have you been all my life?Girl: Hiding from you- how the hell did you find me?
Don’t worry guys I didn’t leave you out. Here is a good one.
Guy: Would you like to dance?Girl: Not with you.Guy: Oh, come on. Lower your standards a little, I just did.
There you have it, some of the worst pick up lines. All I have to say is, keep the lines for laughs, not for the woman you are planning your next move on.
Shauvon Torres can be reached at [email protected]