Comedic juggling team at Plagleblast
September 13, 2006
Sword swallowing while juggling flaming chainsaws, body burning and a flying pig. These elements tied together with comedy and other zany human tricks make up the amazing juggling act of Team Rootberry, part of the Thursday Phlagleblast celebration.
Phlagleblast runs from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the University Union. Students will be eligible for prizes and other acts include a martial arts demonstration, an acapella singing performance and a magic show.
Team Rootberry is comprised of Jonathan Root and Bill Berry, two entertainer/jugglers who have been working professionally together for nine years.
“I had been juggling since sixth grade, and I forgot about it for awhile,” Berry said. “Then I saw a performer on the street juggling and I thought ‘I can do this.'”
Root said he was interested in becoming an entertainer in high school. He did standup since his early teens, but discovered there was a lot of comedians doing comedy individually, but said, “What Bill and I have is unique. What we have as a team, no individual has created.”
The two met through the agent who was booking Root at kids’ parties.
“We hung out together and basically learned together and added comedy to the team,” Root said. “And I convinced him it was a good way to make a life, now he’s stuck.”
The two began creating their act of juggling while sword swallowing, juggling burning objects (such as chainsaws), various comedy routines, body burning and many other elements.
Berry said the body burn was the only trick that ever gave him any trouble.
“The sword swallowing never bothered me, but there was one pretty close call (with the body burn) where if I hadn’t gotten it put out when I did, I would have been burned pretty badly,” Berry said.
The team spent a great amount of time working with a professional Hollywood burn studio to perfect the craft. Since then they have performed the body burn 200 times with zero incidents. They’ve even lit spectators on fire, such as in a recent show where a police officer volunteered for the act. The fire portion of Team Rootberry’s show is offered only by special request and the two explained the thrill of the fire is not necessary to entertain audience members.
Root and Berry traveled to the 56th annual International Jugglers’ Association Championships, held in Reno, Nev. in July 2003. It was during this competition that Team Rootberry became the first team in the history of the International Jugglers’ Association to win every trophy and gold medal available for stage competitions, including championships in the Teams and Individual Divisions.
It was also at this competition that the two met Bill Fry, an experienced comedian/juggler of 20 years who began the agency called Everything but the Mime and was searching for a new act to replace him after he retired from the college show scene.
Fry said he was also attracted to Team Rootberry’s act because he could tell they love what they’re doing and have a great work ethic.
“You want to find people that are totally committed to entertaining,” Fry said. “You can’t set sail with one foot on the shore. Root and Berry wanted to commit full-time and were willing to move to Florida to do so.”
“The main thing is the fact that these guys are the real deal. They’re sweet, down to earth guys and they realize it’s not rocket science, it’s just fun,” Carol Studer, Fry’s partner, said.
“We get along so well and share the same thoughts and feelings virtually all the time. He always has the right thing to say and I do the stunts.” Berry laughed and continued, “He abuses me in the show and I get back at him. People leave the show feeling we’re very equal.”
Root said in a team where you can bounce ideas off of each other, ideas never come at an opportune time, specifically when they’re supposed to be sleeping.
Although the two love what they’re doing, they are constantly traveling and have been home approximately five or six days in the past four months, which means they juggle their families as well.
“When you’re booked, you work. You take whatever work you can get. We’ll have a break when we die.” Root laughed. “My wife is the most supportive person in my life. I told her when we got married that I’m not happy when I’m not performing, even though it’s taking me away from her. God has called us to do this. When we started out, a lot of people tried to discourage us. Now they say, ‘We wish we had your life, you’re doing what you love.'”
They emphasize the fact that they are living proof that anyone can do whatever his or her heart desires.
“Pursue your dreams, follow your goal,” Root said. “You’re the only one who can live your life. The blank canvas in front of you is the rest of your life and there will be tons of obstacles, but that’s part of the joy of living.”
Bridget Jones can be reached at [email protected]