UTAPS employee cleared from accusations of fraud
January 29, 2006
A University Transportation and Parking Services employee facing fraud accusations, levied in an anonymous e-mail, will not be charged with a crime, Department Public Information Officer Sgt. Kelly Clark said.
The e-mail, sent to the State Hornet and President Alexander Gonzalez in fall 2005, alleged that the employee placed parking tickets that he or she received on other people’s vehicles, and had a citation deleted from the record keeping system, according to a previous State Hornet Article.
Upon interviewing witnesses and investigating all information, and after conferring with the Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office, it was determined that there was not enough evidence to support any criminal charges, Clark said.
He cited department policy and state law in declining to divulge the name of the accused.
Since no arrests occurred and no criminal acts can be established (the department) does not release names of individuals who are no longer suspects in a case, Clark said.
John Hamrick, of Sacramento State public safety, who headed the inquiry, said that the roughly month-long investigation closed last December just before the holiday break.
Norm Erickson can be reached at [email protected]