Stiffler v. Stifler: I do have a first name
December 7, 2005
For my last article I could have written about many different topics, many of which are important to us as students, and Americans. Sure, I could have written about global warming, the war in Iraq, aftermath of Hurricane Katrina or even complained about student fees. But no, I’d rather take the time this week to discuss the origins of my last name; the one, the only, the legendary-Stiffler.
In case you haven’t seen the point yet, my last name was made famous since the release of the teen sex comedy “American Pie” and its sequels. Ever since being a freshman in high school my name would cause students and teachers alike to giggle or make reference to the film (and many still do today).
Does it bother me? Nah, I’ve had many ask me “do you get a lot of flack for your last name?” Sure I have, but I never considered it an insult when others called me simply “Stiffler” instead of my first name.
“Stiffmeister, Stiffler, Stiffy” I’ve heard them all for years. I find it funny when people first hear my name, sit back and slowly realize “dude, your mom is-Stiffler’s mom!” like its something new or I hadn’t realized that my mom is in fact Stiffler’s mom.
This character from “American Pie”, Steve Stifler (in the movie spelled Stifler with one f, my name contains two) has a personality quite opposite of mine. This character Stifler was known as a cocky, rude, pompous jerk that throws “mad keg parties.” Maybe I’m boring, but I share very few similarities with this character other than the name.
I asked my grandmother Patricia Stiffler about the origins of my last name. According to her, my last name is German, and may have once meant, “boot maker.” Oddly enough even my grandmother has had random people point out her last name and made silly references to the film my grandmother didn’t even understand.
It has been interesting to see how the name “Stifler” has cemented itself into American pop culture. For some, the actor, Sean William Scott, who played Steve Stifler in American Pie will always be known as that first memorable character. Personally, I take no offense to the name. Besides, I was called by my last name even before the movie came out. And in some cases, my last name helped me meet new people. My last name became a pretty good icebreaker for conversations.
The Stiffler legacy shall live on. There are even rumors of a fourth American Pie film. Maybe I should throw a few kegger parties, disrespect women, insult my friends and fall for stupid hi-jinks and it will all be over with! I am only myself, but I do ask, unless you are a friend of mine, I do have a first name, it is Andrew, please use it. Thank you.
Contact Andrew Stiffler at [email protected]