New Xbox system more 180 than 360
November 30, 2005
Within the past few years Microsoft has been going head to head with Sony and Nintendo to try to attract as many gamers to its home console, the Xbox.
While never reaching as much success as Sony reached with its PlayStation 2, Microsoft hopes to change that this year with its release of the Xbox 360.
Millions of gamers are likely to have this newest console on their Christmas wish lists, but what about this new Xbox 360 offer compared to its predecessor the Xbox? Besides playing games and movies, can it grill a cheese sandwich? Can it do my taxes? Well, unfortunately no (or not yet), but Microsoft hopes the introduction of High Definition, and popular game franchises will attract old and new gamers alike.
I spoke with freshman Civil Engineering major and electronics sales representative Kamran Khalid about his impressions of the newest Xbox. “I like the design (of the system), but the games themselves don’t look that much better.” Khalid’s reply has been that of a general consensus. Most of the new Xbox 360 owners do say the games look better, yet they haven’t been as impressive as they expected.
However, not all is bleak for the newest Xbox, or what some have dubbed “Xbox 1.5” due to its lackluster impressiveness; Khalid added, “I think Microsoft is going to blow us away in the future with new games.” Khalid makes a good point, every system’s games always dramatically improved as game developers learn how to push the system to its limits.
Xbox 360 does offer a lot this holiday season, but personally I will be waiting to see what Sony offers with its PlayStation 3 which comes out in the fall of 2006. However both systems will offer their games playable in High Definition, which is basically a higher resolution that makes an image sharper and allows for much better detail and color. It also requires a High Definition television.
So with Xbox 360 offering consumers marginally better graphics, is it worth the $300-400? Right now, I don’t think so. Sure, some feel they need to be the first with the newest shiny electronics, but right now Xbox 360 lacks the impressiveness I was expecting. However within the next several months we may start to see some more impressive games come out. I don’t mean to spoil anyone’s recent purchase, but until I see something that truly “wows” me, I’ll pass.
Contact Andrew Stiffler at [email protected]