Summer Issue: Summer video game reviews
May 27, 2005
Summer is typically a slow period for video game releases, as most publishers save their best games for the profitable holiday season. However, there are still a few titles worth buying during these next couple of months to keep gamers occupied.-
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasRelease: June 6 on Xbox, PC
For the past seven months, PlayStation 2 owners have been exploring the virtual city of San Andreas and have been doing the typical Grand Theft Auto activities: stealing cars, starting gang wars, soliciting prostitutes and causing mayhem on the streets. Now Xbox and PC owners can finally get in on the action, and despite the delay, the various improvements made to the game may have been worth the wait.
The game has been improved to take advantage of the more powerful hardware, including added graphic effects and more detailed characters and environments. Players can now create their own custom soundtracks to use in the game, and the 30-second replay mode will allow gamers to save their most intense police chases and biggest explosions. For the PC version, the Internet community will keep the game fresh by adding multiplayer modes, new cars and changes to the gameplay.Destroy All Humans!Release: June 17 on Xbox; June 21 for PS2
Call this one Grand Theft Alien. Heavily inspired by the many campy science fiction movies of the 1950s, Destroy All Humans! puts players in the role of Crypto, an alien sent to Earth in the ’50s to harvest human brain stems so they can use the DNA to replenish their over-cloned species. To do this, Crypto will use all the tools at his disposal, including anal-probes, jetpacks, psychokinesis, hypnotization, body-snatching, alien blasters and his own flying saucer to cause massive destruction to a small California town and its human inhabitants.
As a bonus for reserving the game at select retailers, gamers will receive a free DVD of the cult sci-fi classic Plan 9 from Outer Space by director and writer Ed Wood, the unofficial Worst Director of All Time. The movie is pure crap, in a so-bad-it’s-good way. But as a freebie for reserving a game that parodies those types of films from the ’50s, it’s a cool complimentary gift.-Conker: Live and ReloadedRelease: June 21
When the original Conkers Bad Fur Day was released on Nintendo 64 in 2001, the game received attention for its subject matter. The game starred a cute, cartoonish squirrel named Conker, who looked like he would belong in any other children adventure title, running and jumping like Mario. In fact, that was the original design planned for the game.
What was finally released was very different. The mature-rated Bad Fur Day starred Conker as a boozing, foul-mouthed squirrel who wakes up drunk in a strange world inhabited by big-breasted flowers, LSD-taking demons, bosses with large testicles, and a talking mountain of feces. The game included parodies of movies such as The Matrix and the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan, complete with scenes of cute squirrel soldiers being blown to bloody bits by bombs and gunfire. The game was crude in its humor, but was well-made and fun to play.
This game now arrives on Xbox as Live and Reloaded, which includes the original Bad Fur Day with a complete graphical upgrade and the ability to play the game without any censorship. Added is a new Xbox Live online 16-player mode, which puts the Squirrels against the evil Tediz in old- and future-war settings. For anyone looking for a good platform game with an adult twist, Live And Reloaded should fill that need.