Summer Issue: Sac State 101
May 26, 2005
Financial aid
Students receiving financial aid will find it helpful to know that checks are not disbursed until the first week of school.
So don’t waste time pressing the redial button to the Financial Aid office during your work lunch hour in hopes of getting through to a real person. It’s the same line each semester, so have a little self control, and refrain from writing bad checks over the summer for new car stereos hoping your funds are waiting in the mailbox. –
Each semester you have a renewed balance of $10 on your OneCard. Most students realize they get $5 allocated for print jobs on campus, but not everyone realizes they also get $5 for miscellaneous purchases on campus.
It’s quite irritating to stumble upon this slice of information after your junior year. So even if you don’t plan to print your papers on campus, be sure to at least buy a coffee or snack on campus with your One Card, otherwise you’ve wasted $5! –
Saclink account
It may sound foreign at first, and many will try to avoid it, but it’s inevitable — all students need a Saclink account in order to access campus computers, library services, Web CT, e-mail and CASPER web.
At some point you’re going to have to set one up, so do it early and get it out of the way. Registration is done in Sequoia Hall, Room 322.-
ParkingFinding a parking spot on campus is ridiculous, especially during the first two weeks of the semester. The task is sure to inflict anger and frustration among students unfamiliar with campus traffic.
If you think walking to the movie theater from the far end of the parking lot is inconvenient, you are in for a rude awakening. My advice would be to arrive on campus an hour before your first class starts; if you’re lucky, you won’t be late.-
As you stroll through campus you may notice quite a few chickens and squirrels. As for the latter, don’t be fooled, Sac State harbors some of the boldest squirrels on planet earth.
So if you find a shady spot to relax, do not ruin it by feeding the squirrels. The fuzzy rodent may charm you with his cute smile and shameless social skill, but you better believe campus squirrels are nothing but hustlers looking to swindle a piece of your lunch.
If you don’t believe it, fall for the trap and feed the cute squirrel. Next thing you know you’ll be swarmed by a gang of squirrels looking to punk you for another bite.
Ignore them!-
Job seekers
If you’re looking for work and/or internships, be sure to visit the Career Center on the second floor of Lassen Hall. College students can search for both part-time and full-time work on computers and binders. The career center staff is also available to help students enhance their resumes and interviewing skills so take advantage.-
Computer labs
Knowing where the campus computer labs are located will probably be of some use for most students. Lab locations are on the second floor of the library, the second floor of Mendocino Hall in rooms 2003, 2004, 2007 and 2008, and on the second floor of Solano Hall in rooms 2001 and 2003.-
Free transportation
In case you ever need to run an errand downtown and want to leave your vehicle on campus — or perhaps you don’t have a vehicle at all — it is important to note that Sac State students can ride the bus and light rail for free by presenting their OneCard. So if you need to go somewhere and don’t want to lose your precious parking space, or if you don’t want to deal with parking at all, take public transportation. It’s free!-
Bookstore lines
When going to purchase your books during the first week of the semester, chances are you are going to take one look at the gargantuan line wrapped around the store, get discouraged and want to come back t a later time.
Don’t despair.
Looks can be deceiving, but you’ll be happy to know that the line actually moves quite fast. The bookstore is efficient when it comes to taking your money; it even hires extra help during the beginning and end of the semester to accommodate for the long lines. So even if it looks like you’ll be standing there for hours breeding varicose veins, a realistic wait should last no more than 20 minutes.